09- PATH Training Session with Andrea Wilson & Andrea Flesher (Extended 11-3:30) Inclusive Ed (607 Cumberland Road)

Presenters:  Andrea Wilson & Andrea Flesher
Time: 11:00 am – 3:30 (with lunch break included)
Target: Secondary LSTs, Counsellors, Glacier View Alternate Teachers

Max # participants:  18
(6 groups of 3 for practice session) 

Location:  Inclusive Education – 607 Cumberland Road, Courtenay 

PATH is a collaborative planning process that helps students celebrate their excellence by identifying their goals, recognizing their supports, and taking action. This pro-d session would enable secondary LSTs and counsellors to use PATH to guide and support their students. 

PATH stands for Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope. It is a person-centered planning tool that uses process and graphic facilitation to create a shared vision for an individual’s future. It is a powerful process and great for teenage students who are having difficulty finding their way. PATH focuses on students’ dreams and how they can reach their dreams by setting realistic short-term and medium-term goals. Students recognize the support that their families and school teams can provide to help them reach their goals. This pro-d session will equip secondary counsellors and learning support teachers to use PATH to guide their students, parents, and school-based teams. 

Andrea Wilson has worked as an occupational therapist in SD71 for 18 years, enabling students’ participation in meaningful activities.
Andrea Flesher has been an inclusion support teacher in SD71 for the past ten years, helping students with diverse abilities learn and thrive.

  •  February 18, 2025
     11:00 am - 3:30 pm
Details Price Qty
Free Ticket $0.00 CAD